New Rules for EU Blue Card Holders in Brussels

Understanding the New Blue Card Eligibility

Brussels is making it easier for international talent to work and thrive in the city. Effective October 1, 2024, the Brussels Capital Region is implementing significant changes to its work permit regulations. These updates aim to streamline the process for hiring foreign workers and create a more welcoming environment for skilled professionals.

Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:

  • Simplified Blue Card Eligibility: The Blue Card is a special work permit for highly skilled non-EU workers. Brussels is now expanding eligibility to include individuals with five years of relevant professional experience, not just those with academic qualifications. Additionally, information and communication technology professionals with at least three years of experience in the last seven years can now qualify for the Blue Card without needing higher education.
  • Flexible Blue Card Employment: Blue Card holders can now change employers within the first 12 months of employment, providing greater flexibility and opportunities.
  • Revised Salary Thresholds: The minimum salary thresholds for certain work permits have been adjusted. The new thresholds are based on a percentage of the average gross monthly salary in Brussels.
  • Streamlined Processes: Employers will no longer need to submit annual compliance documents for work authorizations exceeding one year. This simplifies the administrative process for both employers and foreign workers.
  • Unlimited Work Authorization: Foreign employees residing in Brussels for 30 uninterrupted months with valid work permits can now apply for unlimited work authorization, eliminating the need for renewals.

These changes demonstrate Brussels’ commitment to attracting and retaining top talent from around the world. By simplifying the work permit process and offering greater flexibility, the region aims to create a more welcoming and competitive environment for international professionals.

If you’re a skilled worker seeking opportunities in Brussels, these new regulations present exciting possibilities. Start exploring your options and plan your move to this dynamic city!

Additional Resources:

Tips for Booking Flight Itineraries for Visas

What Exactly Is a Flight Itinerary?

A flight itinerary is a document that shows a detailed route of your flight. It must not be confused with a flight ticket since these are two different things.

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Typically, a flight itinerary includes details regarding you and your flight, such as flight name, routes, departure and arrival time and dates, flight code and passenger details (full name, email, phone number, passport number, etc.).

Why Is It Necessary?

A booking of a round trip reservation or flight itinerary is necessary because it will serve as proof that you are not planning to overstay your visa and will go back to your home country before your Schengen visa expires.

Also, having a flight itinerary will help the visa officials issue the visa for as long as you need not for a shorter period of time.

What Is a Flight Reservation?

A flight reservation is a booking of a seat for a specific flight from one airport to another. Basically, it holds a seat for you on a flight for a certain period of time.

Embassies and consulates usually ask for a round-trip flight reservation when applying for a visa.

“Round trip reservation or itinerary with dates and flight numbers specifying entry and exit from Schengen state. Some Schengen authorities accept the itinerary when applying for the visa but, request the original air ticket when the visa is collected“European Union

How Can I Book a Flight Itinerary for My Visa Application?

You have two options for booking a flight itinerary: booking with a refundable option or without paying.


Booking With a Refundable Option:

You can search for flights on airline websites or travel booking platforms and see if you can find an option that is refundable. Once you find it, print the confirmation email or itinerary that shows the flight details. Booking a refundable ticket is one of the safest options as it shows your genuine travel intent.

Keep in mind that some airlines might not offer fully refundable tickets. Therefore, check the refund policy before purchasing the ticket.

Booking Without Paying

To book a flight reservation without payment, you can use a dummy booking website or contact the airline directly and see whether they allow you to book online without immediate payment.

Some airlines hold your reservation for a limited time, typically 72 hours max, before requiring payment.

However, if you decide to use a dummy booking website, you might need to pay a small fee ($10 – $20).

How Can I Reserve a Flight Without Paying the Full Price for the Airline Ticket?

To reserve a flight without making the full payment for the flight ticket, follow these three steps:
1. Call your preferred travel agent or visit the Visa Reservation website.
2. Fallout your travel flight details.
3. Receive the flight itinerary in your email account.

Where Can I Book a Flight Reservation?

Some of the travel booking websites where you can book a round-trip reservation or flight itinerary include:

What is a Flight Ticket?

A flight ticket, also referred to as an airline ticket, is a document or electronic document issued by an airline or travel agency confirming that an individual has paid or booked and therefore is entitled to a seat on an aircraft.

Usually, a flight ticket contains details about the passenger (full name, passport number, etc.), the issuing airline, ticket number, baggage allowance, fare, etc.

Flight Boarding Pass

What Types of Flight Tickets Can I Book?

Two of the most common types of flight tickets are:

  • One-way ticket.
  • Round-trip ticket.

What Is a One-Way Ticket?

As the name suggests, a one-way ticket is a ticket that allows the passenger to travel only to their destination country, but not back home.

For example, if you have a one-way ticket for a flight from India to Italy, then you can only use that ticket to enter Italy, but the same ticket cannot be used to go back to India. You need to purchase a new one-way ticket to return home.

* One-way tickets are not acceptable as proof of booked flight.

What Is a Return Ticket?

A return flight ticket or round-trip ticket allows the passenger to travel from one destination to another and return back to the same place.

For example, with a return ticket, you can go from Angola to Germany and from Germany back to Angola without purchasing a new ticket.

What About Dummy Tickets?

A dummy ticket is a temporary flight booking from and back to the original destination country. It is simply a document that includes travel itinerary details, and it is not paid or confirmed.

It is often referred to as a fake ticket or dummy booking and is typically used as proof of onward travel for visa applications. Basically, a dummy ticket mimics a real ticket, but it does not hold an actual seat reservation on a flight.

Should I Book a Flight Ticket Before My Visa Application?

No, there is no need to buy a flight ticket before you apply for a Schengen visaSince there is no guarantee that your visa will be approved, you risk losing the flight ticket and your money if your visa is not approved.

Instead, you present your flight itinerary, which you can book without paying the full price of the travel ticket.

Countries That Require Proof of Onward Travel When Applying for a Visa

When applying for a visa, certain countries require proof of onward travel. These countries include:

Schengen Area Member Countries:

  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Belgium
  • Czechia
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

Other Countries:

  • Algeria
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  • Vietnam

Who Needs to Show a Proof of Flight Itinerary?

The countries whose citizens are required to obtain a visa to enter Europe must show proof of flight itinerary when applying for a Schengen visa. Those countries are:

  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • Angola
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Belarus
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Botswana
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cabo Verde
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • China
  • Comoros
  • Cote D’ivoire
  • Cuba
  • Dem. Rep. Of Congo
  • Djibouti
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Eswatini
  • Ethiopia
  • Fiji
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Ghana
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Jamaica
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Mongolia
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Nepal
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palestine
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Qatar
  • Republic of the Congo
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Somalia
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Suriname
  • Syria
  • São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Tunisia
  • Turkmenistan
  • Türkiye
  • Uganda
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Barcelona’s Tourist Tax on the Rise: What You Need to Know

Barcelona, a captivating tourist destination, is raising its tourist tax by 20% starting October 2024. This decision aims to address the challenges of overtourism and generate additional revenue for the city.

The New Tourist Tax Breakdown:

  • €4 per night: This is the new standard city tax for all visitors.
  • Regional Tax (varies depending on accommodation):
    • Four-star hotels: €1.70 per night
    • Airbnb rentals: €2.25 per night
    • Five-star and luxury hotels: €3.50 per night

Total Cost Examples:

  • Five-star hotel: €7.50 per night (€52.50 per week) – Up from the current €47.25.
  • Airbnb rental: €6.25 per night (€43.75 per week)

Why the Increase?

Barcelona, like many other popular tourist destinations, struggles with the effects of overtourism. The increased tax revenue will be used for initiatives to manage overcrowding, maintain infrastructure, and support local communities.

A Global Trend in Tourism Taxes:

Barcelona isn’t alone. Several European cities have adopted similar measures in 2024:

  • Portimão, Portugal: Introduced a seasonal tourist tax (€2 per night peak season, €1 per night off-season) (See more: Portugal’s Algarve Region Introduces Tourist Tax.
  • Venice, Italy: Implemented a €5 entry fee for weekend visits during peak season (See more: [Venice Announces €5 Entry Fee for Day Visitors.
  • Several French cities: Increased tourist taxes on hotel stays, with some reaching €15 per night, particularly leading up to major events.

Planning Your Barcelona Trip:

While the increased tourist tax adds a small expense, Barcelona remains a vibrant city. Factor in the new tax when budgeting and explore its architectural wonders, delicious food, and rich cultural scene!

Additional Tips:

  • Consider visiting during shoulder seasons (spring or fall) for potentially lower costs and fewer crowds.
  • Book your preferred accommodation well in advance, especially during peak travel times.
  • Explore lesser-known neighborhoods to experience a more authentic Barcelona.

By understanding the new tourist tax and planning accordingly, your trip to Barcelona can be a truly memorable experience!

Spain Tightens Transit Visas for Central Africans

New travel regulations are in effect for passport holders of the Central African Republic (CAR) traveling through Spain. As of August 16, 2024, these individuals require a transit visa to pass through Spanish airports without entering Spanish territory.  

Why the Change?

Spanish authorities implemented this measure in response to concerns that CAR nationals were using airport transit areas to gain irregular entry into Spain and subsequently apply for asylum. This follows similar actions taken earlier in 2024 regarding travelers from Sudan, Chad, Kenya, and Senegal.  

What is a Transit Visa?

A transit visa allows travelers to pass through a specific country’s airport without entering the main territory. In this case, a transit visa for Spain would permit travelers to switch planes at a Spanish airport during their journey.  

Obtaining a Spanish Transit Visa

To obtain a Spanish transit visa, Central African Republic citizens must submit the necessary documentation to the Spanish consulate or embassy located in their home country.  

Criticisms of the New Rule

The Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) has expressed disapproval of the new regulation. CEAR argues that this policy further restricts access to international protection for individuals fleeing conflict zones. The organization emphasizes that the Central African Republic population is currently grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis. CEAR contends that such measures prioritize immigration control over human rights considerations.  

Frontex Data on Irregular Migration

Data compiled by Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, reveals that between January and June 2024, there were only 16 instances of irregular entry into EU territory by individuals originating from the Central African Republic. These entries primarily occurred along the Central Mediterranean route.  

Beyond Central Africa: Other Countries Requiring Spanish Transit Visas

Nationals from several other African and Asian countries already require transit visas to pass through Spanish airports. This list includes:  

  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia  
  • Ghana
  • Nigeria
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo  
  • Somalia  
  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka  
  • Burkina Faso  
  • Cameroon  
  • Chad  
  • Ivory Coast  
  • Djibouti  
  • Gambia  
  • Guinea  
  • Guinea-Bissau  
  • Kenya
  • Liberia  
  • Mali  
  • Republic of the Congo
  • Senegal  
  • Sierra Leone
  • Sudan  
  • Togo
  • Cuba  
  • Haiti  
  • India  
  • Syria  
  • Tajikistan  
  • Turkey
  • Uzbekistan  
  • Yemen  
  • Palestine

Staying Informed for Smooth Travel

Staying updated on travel regulations is crucial for seamless airport transits. If you are unsure whether you require a Spanish transit visa, consult with the nearest Spanish embassy or consulate for clarification. By understanding these new travel requirements, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience.

Norway’s Top 20 Jobs: Secure Your Work Visa Today

Does the allure of breathtaking fjords, stunning landscapes, and a high quality of life spark your interest? Look no further than Norway! This Scandinavian nation is experiencing a significant labor shortage, actively seeking skilled professionals in a variety of fields. If you possess the right skills and experience, obtaining a Norwegian work visa could be within reach.

This comprehensive guide unveils 20 in-demand professions in Norway, categorized by industry, to help you determine if your skillset aligns with current needs. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, an engineer, or a skilled tradesperson, this information could be the key to unlocking your dream job in Norway!

Key Considerations for Norwegian Work Visas:

  • Eligible Professions: Your job title must be listed on the official Norwegian shortage occupations list. This article provides a detailed breakdown of 20 such professions.
  • Job Offer: Securing a valid job offer from a Norwegian employer is essential.
  • Qualifications: Meeting the education and experience requirements for the specific job title in Norway is crucial.
  • Language Skills: While not always mandatory, proficiency in Norwegian can significantly enhance your application.

Top 20 In-Demand Professions in Norway (2024):

  • Cleaning, Food Preparation & Hospitality: Garbage collectors, kitchen helpers, butchers, food preparers, waiters/waitresses.
  • Construction & Trades: Crane operators, structural metal workers, floor layers, tile setters, security guards.
  • Healthcare: Specialist medical practitioners (doctors), veterinary technicians, nurses, midwives.
  • IT & Administration: Systems administrators, personnel and career specialists.
  • Education: Special needs teachers, education managers.
  • Other Fields: Musicians, singers, composers, service station attendants, religious professionals.

Additional Considerations:

  • Norwegian Language: While English is widely understood in Norway, learning some basic Norwegian phrases demonstrates your commitment to integrating into the community.
  • Cost of Living: Norway has a high cost of living, so factor in housing, food, and transportation expenses when considering a move.

Taking the Next Step:

If you see a profession on this list that aligns with your skills and experience, actively research job opportunities in Norway. Many Norwegian companies advertise internationally, so explore online job boards and professional networking platforms.


  • Securing a job offer is the first step towards obtaining a Norwegian work visa.
  • The application process typically involves submitting documents to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
  • Consider seeking guidance from an immigration specialist for personalized assistance throughout the process.

Norway offers a stunning landscape, a vibrant culture, and significant opportunities for skilled professionals. With this information as your guide, you can take the first steps towards pursuing your dream job and building a rewarding career in this beautiful Scandinavian nation!
