UK Universities Feeling the Pinch: Visa Restrictions Hit Hard

UK Universities are crying foul over a drop in international student numbers, thanks to stricter visa rules. This financial blow has left institutions scrambling to balance the books and consider drastic measures like slashing courses or even closing their doors.

The Numbers Don’t Lie:

  • Fewer Foreigners: Since the visa curbs took effect, applications from overseas have plummeted by a whopping 30,000 in just four months.
  • Empty Pockets: Universities are facing a combined deficit of £1.7 billion for teaching and a staggering £5 billion for research.
  • International Income Drought: Foreign students typically pay more than domestic ones, a significant revenue stream that’s now drying up.

Universities Demand Action:

Universities UK, representing 141 British higher education institutions, is calling for a major shake-up. They’re urging the government to:

  • Loosen the Visa Leash: Relax visa restrictions to attract more international students.
  • Raise Tuition Fees: Increase domestic tuition fees to offset the financial shortfall.

The Government’s Response:

The new Labour government, led by Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson, acknowledges the problem but hasn’t committed to specific solutions. While they promise attention and commitment, the path forward remains uncertain.

Stay Tuned:

This story is far from over. As the UK grapples with the financial impact of visa restrictions, we’ll keep you updated on any developments and potential solutions.

Chevening Fully Funded Scholarships for UK is Open

Chevening Scholarships are for people from all backgrounds who show the potential to be future leaders. To apply, you need to have a clear and realistic idea for positive change in your country and explain how a UK master’s degree will help you achieve it.

The scholarship covers all expenses for studying a master’s degree at over 150 UK universities. It also offers unique academic, professional, and cultural experiences.

Since it started in 1983, Chevening has helped over 57,000 professionals advance their careers, including more than 370 from Bangladesh. For the 2025/26 academic year, around 1,500 scholarships are available globally, showing the UK’s dedication to developing future leaders.

Sarah Cooke, the British High Commissioner to Bangladesh, said:

“If you want to drive change locally or globally, excel in your field, and inspire others, a Chevening Scholarship for a master’s degree in the UK is a great opportunity. Apply before the November 5, 2024 deadline and join an amazing global network.”

Chevening Scholarships are the UK Government’s global scholarship program, funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and partner organizations. The scholarships support one-year master’s degrees at UK universities for those with the potential to be future leaders. Since its launch in 1983, Chevening has become a prestigious international program. There are over 57,000 Chevening Alumni worldwide, forming a highly regarded global network.

Applications for Chevening Scholarships to study in the UK are open until November 5, 2024. You can apply online at and also contact us for other visa services.
